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Results 1 - 20 of 1657 Sort by:

1. Japanese watchtower

Rating: (0)
Short Description: The Japanese pavilion is a building where it used to sing the fanfare during the interwar period

2. The furnace from Govajdia

Rating: (0)
Short Description: The first continuous flow furnace in Europe (the second in the world) to be built between 1806 and 1810.

3. Moara Hosman

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4. Wooden bridges covered

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5. The woolen gift

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6. Anton's mill

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7. Water mill Ohaba

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8. Tunelul celor 365 de Sfinti

Rating: (0)
Short Description: Unicul tunel in care sunt pictati 365 de sfinti din calendarul ortodox.

9. The Red Fountain

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10. Astronomical Observatory Vasile Urseanu

Rating: (0)
Short Description: Shows to the public the history of astronomy; the original telescope of Admiral Vasile Urseanu, the former owner of the house; manuscripts, objects, library. It provides observations of the celestial vault and astronomical phenomena. Subordinated to

11. Washing machine

Rating: (0)
Short Description: The tradition of Bologa is kept for several generations, and the plant is more than two hundred years old.

12. Dacian Fortress Aquae

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Short Description: The existence of Aquae was attested by the inscription "Genio Pagi Aquaensis", located on a stone in the altar of the church in Streisîngiorgiu. Aquae was a stopping point on the road that made the connection between Ulpia Traiana and Apulum.

13. The Roman Road from Bocsa - Binis

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14. Hrubé Botosani

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15. Hrubele Brailei

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16. Falansterul de la Scaieni

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17. Covered Staircase

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18. Malu de Rasuna

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19. Career Travertine

Rating: (0)
Short Description: It is the most important travertine deposit in the country

20. Haita de pe Bistrita

Rating: (0)
Short Description: The concrete barrier, now with the disappearance of the abandoned Bistrita plank, a vestige of industrial archeology.